This was a more or less technical post from
January, 2013, as a follow-up to my post right after the Sandy Hook murders
(warning – if you remain traumatized by that event, you might want to skip that
one). I find that my 2015 research and
follow up comments aren’t too good.
be brief today....I know, I'm never brief....don't worry though, I'm posting a
link to a 22 page report from Mayors Against Illegal Guns titled
"Access Denied". Please read it, as I will be referring to its
contents in the near future, hopefully.
Please pay close attention to the summary recommendations:
Please pay close attention to the summary recommendations:
"policy riders" on federal appropriations bills that limit firearms
research at the CDC and NIH and provide appropriate funding to study the role
of firearms on public health.
2015 update: The day
after the original post, President Obama issued an executive order to direct
the CDC (and by extension the NIH) to fund this research; see Go to page 10 (it’s a BIG document). The CDC reacted slowly, presumably because
congressional pressure had then “gun shy”.
Rest assured the NRA has done all it can to impede research.
fund the National Violent Death Reporting System and expand it to all 50 states
to improve our understanding of the role firearms play in fatalities.
2015 update: Nope…nothing…despite the fact that gun
violence has now surpassed auto accidents as the leading cause of death in
young people.
the research program on gun trafficking at the National Institute of Justice to
update and expand our understanding of the market for illegal guns.
2015 update: Hopeful – NIJ is proposing to issue grants of
up to $1.5M to “Research and Evaluation on Firearms Violence Reduction”.
The deadline for applying for grants is 4 days from this post. It will be interesting to see what happens
with this small amount, but it is forward momentum.
the publication of Justice Department reports on illegal gun markets and
trafficking patterns.
2015 update – Nothing.
Really? This is a disturbing lack
of progress. Here is a good example of
recent research…unfortunately, the City of Chicago had to issue it, because
they couldn’t wait for the Justice Dept. to do their job
the Tiahrt Amendments 1
2015 update – nothing!
2015 summary: The report
from Mayors against illegal guns 5 summary proposals have been largely ignored
by congress. President Obama’s Executive
order was a win, but it always faces threats.
You can bet that it will be rescinded if the president elected next year
is a friend of the NRA. The NIJ has
provided some funding for research…we can award a half-win. This movie gets one and a half stars…barely
worth seeing!
1"Access Denied" by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, January, 2013.
OK. As I promised I'm staying brief today. But here's a good couple of hours worth or studying for my peacemaker friends. You'll probably get nostalgic for my explanations of St. Augustine and Immanuel Kant when you've finished (seriously, it's a good read...but then, so was my philosophy blogging).
Peace to you all. I'l talk soon. Feel free to comment/write.
Argh! I meant to say the comments reflect results that aren't that comments speak for themselves (hoping they're good)